SHOW means the Cork Summer Show, which is taking place in the Curraheen, Co. Cork.
APPLICATION FORM means the official application form issued by the Munster Agricultural Society CLG., which includes the terms and details, for trade stand space at the Show.
EXHIBITOR means any person or body who/which has entered into an agreement with the Show management for a trade stand at the Show.
FEE means the fees specified in the Application and payable to the Show by the Exhibitor.
STAND SPACE means the trade stand space on Site allocated to the Exhibitor by the Show personnel. This stand will NOT be located in the Food and Drinks Zone.
SHOW MANAGEMENT refers to the members of the Show Committee which have been allocated general or specific responsibility of managing the Show or different areas of the Show activities.
Applications for trade stand space at the Show must be made on the official Application Form or using the on line facility on the show website. The application must be fully completed and the Exhibitor must agree to accept the relevant terms and conditions. In the event your application is not successful your payment will be returned, but refunds for any other reason will not be considered.
Submission of application does not ensure allocation of trade space. Show management shall have absolute discretion as to the acceptance of any Application.
Show management reserves the right in its absolute discretion to reject an application for exhibition space, to reduce trade stand allocation, withdraw permission or close down an exhibition stand.
The exhibitor accepts that in applying for a stand allocation, he/she is doing so, without any statement or representation made by Munster Agricultural Society Co Ltd., and accepts that the Society will not be responsible for any loss of profits, consequential loss or any loss whatsoever arising by reason of their participation at the show. Exhibitors must obey all the rules of Cork Summer Show / Munster Agricultural Society Co Ltd., and obey any instruction from authorised personnel, before, during and after the show. Any disputes arising out of the conditions laid out by the Show Society, between exhibitors or between the Show Society and exhibitors, shall be resolved at the absolute discretion of the Munster Agricultural Society Co Ltd.
The Cork Summer Show will not entertain the trading of goods and services that have not been declared on the official Trade Stand applications. Trading and selling of goods which may cause harm/issues is strictly forbidden, e.g. pellet guns, knives, balloons, water pistols, etc. Trading / Selling should only take place from the allocated trade stand area. Failure to abide by these Terms & Conditions will result in the goods being seized / impounded and the trader in question will be required to leave the show grounds. Cork Summer Show / Munster Agricultural society will not entertain any claim for refund/rebate of entry fees or associated costs should this situation arise.
4. FEES:
The details of the fees are outlined in this e information pack and on website (www.corksummershow.com). The Exhibitor must pay the required full fees with the initial application. The Exhibitor shall remain liable for the Fee if the Exhibitor cancels after acceptance. Cancellation of space is non-refundable and non-transferable.
Bank charges will apply if currency other than the Euro is used. €6.50 will be charged for regular foreign currency. Other options will carry higher charges.
Sponsors will receive some exhibition space free of charge, proportionate to their sponsorship contribution. Should additional space be required, payment for this additional space will be necessary. In order to qualify, sponsors must submit their sponsorship by Friday 1st May.
Access available from Friday at 10am. All heavy equipment must be on exhibition stands by 6pm. Items that can be transported by car or van must be in place by 6pm on Friday. Overnight security will be in place on site.
The trade stand areas will be a PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC ONLY AREA after 9 am on show days, Saturday and Sunday.
The Exhibitor shall ensure that its stand is attended and open for business by 9 a.m. on the 2 days of the Show. Failing that, the chairman of the trade stand section shall be entitled to reallocate the stand space, with no refund of fees. All trade stands must be open for business from 9.00am to 6.00pm on each show day.
Stands must be completely dismantled and removed no later than 6pm on Monday after the show. Non-compliance of this exit time will carry financial penalties.
Whilst every effort will be made to accommodate exhibitor space requirements, final allocation and location of exhibition space will be at the discretion of the Show Management. The Exhibitor shall report to the check in office and the trade stand supervisor on arrival to be shown the precise location of the Stand Space.
No cars, trucks or vans must be parked in the exhibition area during the show, unless it is within their stand area. Vehicles must be parked in the exhibitor’s car park, which is adjacent to the trade stands area. The Exhibitor shall ensure that all marquees, ropes, signs and other equipment are kept within the Stand Space at all times. The Exhibitor is not permitted to sub-let, transfer or share a Stand Space. Any activities that could infringe on the rights of other exhibitors must be avoided. The Exhibitor shall ensure that no damage is caused to the Site, within the Stand Space. Bark mulch can only be used if an underlay is first placed on the ground. After the Show, all mulch must be cleared from the site and disposed of off-site. The Exhibitor shall ensure that its Stand Space is tidy at all times.
The Show management reserves the right, at its reasonable discretion (which shall include reference to weather forecasts and ground conditions) to postpone or cancel the Show, make amendments to the parameters of the site or the stand space and / or amend the planned times as set out above. The Show will not be responsible to any exhibitor or person for loss of profit or any consequential loss arising out of the cancellation of the event. The Show shall not be liable for any failure to perform its obligations pursuant to these terms as a result of flooding, fire, lightning, explosion, drought, ground conditions, act of God, act of terrorism, war, rebellion, sabotage, strike, disease or any other event outside reasonable control of the Show management. We suggest that insurance cover be considered by the exhibitor.
The number of free admission and vehicle passes relate to the stand area booked 2 passes per stand space up to a maximum of 10 passes for a full block of spaces.
Guidelines for Allocation of free passes for trade spaces as follows: o General Trade (3m x 3m) (includes 2 Trade Exhibitor Passes)
General Trade (6m x 3m) (includes 3 Trade Exhibitor Passes)
General Trade (9m x 3m) (includes 4 Trade Exhibitor Passes)
Motor Car Trade (10m x 15m) (includes 4 Trade Exhibitor Passes)
NB: Exhibitors unable to present a pass must pay THE FULL admission fee for an entry pass on the day.
Additional Exhibitors Passes are available to purchase in advance of the show at a discounted price of €10, please contact Barbara on 021 480 1919 for details.
The Exhibitor shall ensure that its staff or authorised persons carry proper passes and identification at all times on the site.
One vehicle per Exhibitor will be allowed on site for the duration of the Show provided entry is before 9am and exit after 6.30pm and the allocated parking area to be used.
Only within the exhibitors allocated stand area should they sell, offer for sale or advertise their goods or services, including the distribution of leaflets.
Level of business transacted is the sole responsibility of the trader. Branding by the Exhibitor should be in keeping with the style of the Show.
The Exhibitor shall not hold raffles or collections for contributions to its funds without the prior written consent of the Show management and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.
Only one official charity is permitted to fundraise each year at Cork Summer Show / Munster Agricultural Society Co Ltd.
The Exhibitor shall not commence closing down its stand until 6 p.m. on the last day of the Show. The Exhibitor shall leave its stand space completely clear of litter, please use skips provided. The Exhibitor shall restore its stand space to its original condition. The Exhibitor shall become liable to pay a fine of €200 for breach of these litter clauses. We suggest you take a picture of your stand before vacating the area.
The Exhibitor shall comply with all current regulations, including Safety, Health and Welfare Act and the guidance issued by the Health and Safety Authority in relation to it. The Exhibitor shall comply with all directions of the site Safety Officer.
13. INSURANCE: Public Liability
All exhibitors must have insurance policies in respect of public liability, with minimum of €3.5 million limit of indemnity, any one incident. A letter from their Insurance Company confirming their Public liability cover and indemnities must be provided. The exhibitor must ensure that confirmation of their current insurance policy accompanies their Trade Stand application. Under no circumstances will any exhibitor be admitted to the show grounds without production of this evidence of their insurance (letter from Insurance company or broker-sample on website). The confirmation letter must be specifically extended to indemnify Cork Summer Show / Munster Agricultural society, its agents and operatives including Bullseye Ltd and the landowner, against any claim for losses, damages or injuries whatsoever that may arise for the duration of the Cork Summer Show / Munster Agricultural Society Co Ltd on the dates of the show and including the 10 day period before and after the event which may be required for the setting up and clearing away of exhibitor stands from the show grounds. Agreement with our terms and conditions also confirms indemnity to above. The insurance policy must cover any loss or damage to the property of the Exhibitor, its employees, directors, agents, sub-contractors or other authorised persons in or around the site or visitors to the stand space
The Cork Summer Show / Munster Agricultural Society Co Ltd., will not be responsible for any loss or damage arising from any source whatsoever. Each exhibitor should have adequate insurance cover in respect of such damage or loss
The Exhibitor indemnifies the Show and agents against all and any liabilities, losses, costs or expenses caused, directly or indirectly, as a result of any action or claim by any person of any breach by the Exhibitor of these terms or by act of negligence of the Exhibitor, its employees, directors, agents, sub-contractors or other persons authorised by the exhibitor.
Whilst the Cork Summer Show / Munster Agricultural society will provide General Security for the overall site area, each exhibitor is responsible for the security of their own exhibition and stand area. The Cork Summer Show / Munster Agricultural Society Co Ltd will not be responsible for any loss or damage arising from any source whatsoever. The Exhibitor is advised to make adequate arrangements for protection of their exhibits. The Show management accepts no liability for damage to property, personal injury, death or other loss caused to the Exhibitor or its authorised persons. The Show management shall not accept responsibility for the content, errors or omissions of the Catalogue.
Any breach of these terms by the Exhibitor shall, without prejudice to any other remedy available, entitle the Show management to cancel the agreement with the Exhibitor and remove or request the immediate removal of the Exhibitor and its property from the site.
No application will be processed without all the necessary documentation and information being forwarded before closing date, Friday 1st May.