1. Carefully read all terms and conditions before applying.
  2. Create an account with Cork Summer Show
  3. Submitting an Expression of Interest Application. Trade spaces are subject to avaibility, submitting an Expression of Interest form this does not guarantee a trade stand space at Cork Summer Show. Required Information to complete the Expression of Interest form:
  • Company Name / Trading As
  • Contact Details
  • Brief Discription of Your Product(s)
  • Contact Details. 

4. Provide insurance details. No stand allocation will be made without confirmed insurance. 

5. Applications will only be considered if the following are provided:

  • Fully completed application form
  • Letter from insurer
  • Product/service details
  • Acceptance of terms & conditions
  • Full payment received

6.  If your application is unsuccessful, your payment will be refunded. However, refunds will not be issued for any other reason.

Contact us with any questions on