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Munster Agricultural Society
14th & 15th June 2025
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Results for Cork Summer Show 2024
Results 2023 & 2024
Best Pygmy Female - Adult
Goats ➤ Pygmy Goats
Results for
EP1: CONNEMARA YEARLING, open to colts, fillies & geldings
EP2: CONNEMARA YOUNGSTOCK, 2 & 3 year old, open to colts, geldings & fillies
EP3: CONNEMARA MARE, 4 to 6 year old
EP4: CONNEMARA MARE, 7 year old and over
EP5: CONNEMARA FOAL, Colt or Filly
EP6: CONNEMARA MARES & GELDINGS, 3 year old & upwards, 143cms & under
EP7: CONNEMARA YOUNG HANDLER, handler to be 12 to 16 years old, ponies must be 4 years old or over, no stallions allowed
EP9: MUNSTER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY QUEST FOR THE BEST LED CONNEMARA, open to all registered Connemara mares, fillies, colts & geldings
EP10: Champion In Hand Connemara (Shown In-Hand)
EP20: RIDDEN CONNEMARA 4 yr old and over, rider under 16 years of age on 1 January of the current year
EP21: RIDDEN CONNEMARA 4 yr old and over, rider over 16 years of age on 1 January of the current year
EP23: Champion Ridden Connemara
EP24 Q: Oughterard All Ireland Ridden Registered Connemara Performance Pony Championship Qualifier
EP30: SHOW HUNTER PONY STARTER STAKES, mare or gelding, 4 year old and over, not exceeding 133cm, suitable for and to be ridden by riders who have not attained their 12th birthday on 1 January of the current year
EP31: OPEN 123cm RIDDEN SHOW HUNTER PONY, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over, not exceeding 123cm, suitable for and to be ridden by riders who have not attained their 11th birthday on 1 January of the current year
EP32: OPEN 133cm RIDDEN SHOW HUNTER PONY, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, exceeding 123cm but not exceeding 133cm, suitable for and to be ridden by riders who have not attained their 14th birthday on 1 January of the current year
EP33: OPEN 143cm RIDDEN SHOW HUNTER PONY, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, exceeding 133cm but not exceeding 143cm, suitable for and to be ridden by riders who have not attained their 17th birthday on 1 January of the current year
EP34: OPEN 153cm RIDDEN SHOW HUNTER PONY, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, exceeding 143cm but not exceeding 153cm, suitable for and to be ridden by riders who have not attained their 20th birthday on 1 January of the current year
EP35: OPEN INTERMEDIATE SHOW HUNTER PONY, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, exceeding 148cm but not exceeding 158cm, and to be ridden by riders who have not attained their 25th birthday on 1 January of the current year
EP37: YOUNG HANDLER CLASS for ponies 4 year old and over, to be shown in hand by children aged between 7 & 13 years
EP38: YOUNG HANDLER Class for ponies 4 years old and over, to be shown in hand by children aged between 14-17 years
EP40: IN HAND RESCUE PONY class, for ponies not exceeding 138cm who have been adopted through a rescue centre in Ireland
EP41: IN HAND RESCUE PONY class, for ponies exceeding 138cm who have been adopted through a rescue centre in Ireland
EP42: RIDDEN RESCUE class, for ponies/horses who have been adopted through a rescue centre in Ireland, not exceeding 138cm
EP50: SHOW HUNTER PONY, colt, filly or gelding, yearling, 2 or 3 years old, not exceeding 150cm, likely to make a Show Hunter Pony
EP51: SHOW HUNTER PONY, colt, filly or gelding, yearling, not exceeding 145cm likely to make a Show Hunter Pony, to be shown in hand
EP54: Champion In Hand Pony
EP60: WELSH PONY, pure bred, colt, filly or gelding, yearling or 2 year old
EP61: WELSH PONY, pure bred filly or gelding, 3 year old and upwards
EP64: Overall Purebred Welsh Championship
EP70: KERRY BOG PONY, mare, with or without foal at foot, to be led,
EP81: MINIATURE SHETLAND, filly, mare or gelding, any age
EP82: STANDARD SHETLAND, mare or gelding, to be led
EP83: MINIATURE HORSE/SHETLAND YOUNG HANDLER, handler to be under 12 years old, no stallions allowed
EP100: OPEN LEAD REIN SHOW PONY, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over, not exceeding 123cms; riders must not have attained their 8th birthday on 1 January of the current year
EP101: NOVICE LEAD REIN SHOW PONY, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over, not exceeding 128cm; riders must not have attained their 8th Birthday on 1 January of the current year
EP102: OPEN LEAD REIN SHOW HUNTER PONY, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, not exceeding 123cm; riders must not have attained their 9th birthday on 1 January of the current year; riders in this class may not compete in any other class at the same show on the same day
EP103: MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND LEAD REIN PONY, mares & geldings 4 years old and over, 122cm and under, suitable for and to be ridden by riders who have not attained their 9th birthday on 1 January of the current year
EP104: OPEN FIRST RIDDEN SHOW HUNTER PONY, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over, not exceeding 123cm suitable for and to be ridden by riders who have not attained their 10th birthday on 1 January of the current year; ponies must be shown in single ring snaffle bridle
EP105: FIRST YEAR FIRST RIDDEN PONY for mares or geldings, 4 years old or over, not exceeding 123cm; riders not to have attained their 9th birthday on 1 January of the current year and must be in their first year in First Ridden Classes of any category
EP106: OPEN FIRST RIDDEN SHOW PONY, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over, not exceeding 123cm suitable for and to be ridden by riders who have not attained their 10th birthday on 1 January of the current year; ponies must be shown in single ring snaffle bridle
EP120: OPEN SHOW PONY, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over, not exceeding 148cm, suitable for and to be ridden by riders who have not attained their 17th birthday on 1 January of the current year
EP122: FAMILY LEAD REIN PONY for non-members of the IPS, for ponies 148cm and under; rider under 10 years of age; prizes in kind (Any IPS member who enters this class will not be allowed to compete and will not have their entry fee refunded)
EP123: FAMILY RIDDEN PONY for non IPS members, for ponies 148cm and under; to be ridden by a child under 17 years of age, prizes in kind
EP125: RIDDEN CLASS FOR PONY CLUB MEMBERS ONLY, riders under 12 on 1 January 2024; prizes in kind
EP126: RIDDEN CLASS FOR PONY CLUB MEMBERS ONLY, riders over 12 on 1 January of the current year, prizes in kind
EP128: Mini Championship
EP137 Q: Horse Sport Ireland Irish Connemara Green Working Hunter Qualifier for Clifden
EP138: The Munster Agricultural Society Registered Connemara Working Hunter Style Derby - prize fund €1,000
EP140: RIDDEN CONNEMARA WORKING HUNTER, 4 years old and over, rider over 16 years on 1 January of the current year; fences will not exceed 1m
EP139: RIDDEN CONNEMARA WORKING HUNTER, 4 years old and over, rider under 16 years on 1 January of the current year; fences will not exceed 0.90m
EP143: OPEN WORKING HUNTER PONY STARTER STAKES, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, not exceeding 133cm, suitable for and to be ridden by riders who have not attained their 12th birthday on 1 January of the current year
EP144: OPEN WORKING HUNTER PONY, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over, not exceeding 133cm, suitable for and to be ridden by riders who have not attained their 14th birthday on 1 January of the current year
EP145: LOCAL WORKING HUNTER PONY, confined to non-IPS members; for ponies 4 years old and over, 133cms and under 153cm; fences 60cms; riders to be correct age for height of pony.
EP146: OPEN WORKING HUNTER PONY, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over, exceeding 133cm but not exceeding 143cm, suitable for and to be ridden by riders who have not attained their 17th birthday on 1 January of the current year
EP147: OPEN WORKING HUNTER PONY, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over, exceeding 143cm but not exceeding 153cm; suitable for and to be ridden by riders who have not attained their 20th birthday on 1 January of the current year
EP148: LOCAL WORKING HUNTER PONY, confined to non-IPS members; for ponies 4 years old and over, exceeding 143cm but not exceeding 153 cm; fences 80cms; riders to be correct age for height of pony
EP142: Champion & Reserve Connemara Working Hunter Pony
EP141 Q: Horse Sport Ireland Clifden High Performance Connemara Qualifier
EH1: RIDDEN COLOURED HORSE, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over, exceeding 148cm
EH2: RIDING HORSE, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over, exceeding 148cm but not exceeding 160cm; to be judged on ride, manners and conformation
EH3: RIDDEN COB, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over, 148cm to 155cm; entries in this class are not eligible for Small Hunter or Hack Classes; measuring for this class may be carried out before showing
EH4: MAXI COB, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over, exceeding 155cm, to be judged as Cobs; to be shown with hogged mane; to be ridden by riders who have attained their 16th birthday by 1 January of the current year
EH6: The MAS Open Racehorse to Riding Horse class,
EH8: AMATEUR RIDER, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over, 148cm or over.; confined to amateur or non-professional producer/rider
EH9: RIDING CLUB MEMBERS, mare or gelding, 4 years old & over; confined to Riding Club members; membership number to be given on entry and produced on the day
EH10: VETERAN HORSE, mare or gelding over 15 years of age
EH20: HUNTER FOUR-YEAR-OLD, mare or gelding
EH21: LIGHTWEIGHT HUNTER, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over, capable of carrying up to 83kg (13st)
EH22: HUNTER, middle/heavyweight, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over; capable of carrying 83kg (13st) and upwards
EH23: LADIES HUNTER, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over; entered in the Show and ridden by ladies, astride, wearing hunting costumes; rosettes awarded in previous classes must NOT be worn
EH24: SMALL HUNTER, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over, 148cms to 160cms (exhibits may be measured prior to this class)
EH26: Champion & Reserve Ridden Hunter
EH50: IRISH DRAUGHT YEARLING, colt, gelding or filly
EH41: NON-THOROUGHBRED BARREN OR MAIDEN BROODMARE, without foal at foot, 4 year old and upwards, likely to produce a high class Sport Horse
EH51Q: The Roscommon Irish Draught Yearling Filly Championship Qualifier
EH42: THOROUGHBRED BROODMARE, entered or eligible for entry in Weatherby's TB Stud Book with or without foal at foot
EH52: Irish Draught 2 or 3 year old Gelding or Filly
EH53Q: The All Ireland 3 year old Registered Irish Draught Filly Championship Qualifier
EH45: HEAVYWEIGHT BROODMARE WITH NON-THOROUGHBRED FOAL AT FOOT, including ID mares, to produce heavyweight hunters
EH56Q: The ISA & Ballinasloe Irish Draught Colt Foal Championship Qualifier
EH48: Champion & Reserve Foal
EH58Q: The Bantry Show KWD I.D. Foal Munster Championship
EH46: NON-THOROUGHBRED FOAL, out of mare entered in class EH44 or class EH45
EH59: Champion & Reserve Irish Draught (to be shown in hand)
EH60: Native Irish Breeds Champion & Reserve Champion (In-hand) Horses
EH71: YEARLING FILLY, not eligible for entry in Weatherby's TB Stud Book
EH72: THOROUGHBRED YEARLING COLT OR FILLY OR 2 YEAR OLD FILLY OR GELDING, entered or eligible for entry in Weatherby's TB Stud Book; if more than 3 colts/geldings and 3 fillies are entered, this class will be divided
EH74: TWO-YEAR-OLD FILLY OR GELDING not eligible for entry in Weatherby's T.B. Stud Book.
EH76: THREE YEAR OLD GELDING, not eligible for entry in Weatherby's TB Stud Book
EH77: THREE YEAR OLD FILLY, not eligible for entry in Weatherby's TB Stud Book
EH78: THOROUGHBRED 3 YEAR OLD FILLY OR GELDING, entered or eligible for entry in Wetherby's TB Stud Book
EH82 Q: ISA & Bannow & Rathangan Show 3 year old Horse All Ireland Championship QUALIFIER
EH81: Young Horse Champion & Reserve Champion
EH92: Champion & Reserve Coloured Horse
EH100: RIDING CLUB PERFORMANCE class, judged over a course of fences on their way of jumping, going and manners; no showing phase; Advanced Primary - 80cm, Intermediate - 90cm, Advanced Intermediate and above - 1m; cards will be checked for grade
EH101: HANDY HORSE WORKING HUNTER - 80cm, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over; the course will consist of 10 fences with a maximum height and spread of 80cm; judged on way of jumping, going and manners; no showing phase
EH102: COLOURED HORSE WORKING HUNTER, for coloured horses, mare or gelding, exceeding 148cm; judged on way of jumping, going and manners; no showing phase
EH103: WORKING HUNTER, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over; fence height max 1.0m for four year olds and max 1.10 for five year old and upwards
EH104: IRISH DRAUGHT WORKING HUNTER, mare or gelding, 4 years or over; fence height max 1.0m for 4 year olds, 1.10 for 5 year olds and upwards
CA01: Dairy Young stock person between the age of 8 and 12 years
CA02: Intermediate Young Dairy Stockperson, 13 - 17 years old.
CA03: Dairy Young Stockperson Championship
CA04: Beef Young stockperson between the age of 8 and 12 years
CA05Q: Intermediate Young stockperson Championship Qualifier 13 -17 years old
CA06: Beef Young Stockperson Championship.
CA11: Pedigree Dairy Shorthorn Heifer Calf born on or after 1 September 2023
CA12: Pedigree Dairy Shorthorn Heifer not in milk born between 1 January 2022 & 31 August 2023
CA15: Best pair of Pedigree Dairy Shorthorn (either sex) owned by exhibitor
CA16: Champion & Reserve Champion Dairy Shorthorn
CA30: Pedigree or Non-Pedigree Jersey Heifer born on or after 1 January 2024
CA31: Pedigree or Non-Pedigree Jersey Heifer not in milk born between 1 January 2022 & 31 December 2023
CA32: Pedigree or Non-Pedigree Jersey Heifer in milk
CA33: Pedigree or Non-Pedigree Jersey Cow in milk having had two or more calves
CA34: Best pair of Pedigree or Non-Pedigree Jersey (either sex) owned by exhibitor
CA35: Champion & Reserve Champion Jersey
CA50: Pedigree Holstein Friesian Heifer Calf born on or after 1 January 2024
CA52: Pedigree Holstein Friesian Heifer, not in milk, born between 1 January 2022 & 31 December 2023
CA53: Pedigree Holstein Friesian Heifer in milk
CA54: Pedigree Holstein Friesian Cow in milk having had two or more calves
CA55: Best Pair of Pedigree Holstein Friesian owned and bred by exhibitor
CA56: Champion & Reserve Champion Holstein Friesian
CA57: Supreme DAIRY Champion
CA70: Pedigree Beef Shorthorn Bull born on or before 31 August 2023
CA71: Pedigree Beef Shorthorn Heifer Calf born on or after 1 September 2023
CA72: Pedigree Beef Shorthorn Cow or Heifer in milk or in calf, with or without natural born calf at foot
CA73: Best pair of Beef Shorthorn (either sex) owned by exhibitor
CA74: Champion & Reserve Champion Pedigree Beef Shorthorn
CA91: The 2024 Munster Aberdeen-Angus Club, "Spring" Heifer Calf, born on or after 1st December 2023
CA93: The 2024 Munster Aberdeen-Angus Club, "Autumn" Heifer born on or between 1st August 2023 and 30th November 2023
CA94: Pedigree Aberdeen Angus Heifer born between 1 September 2021 & 31 August 2023
CA95: Pedigree Aberdeen Angus Cow in milk or in calf, with or without natural born calf at foot
CA97: The 2024 Munster Aberdeen-Angus Club, "Spring" 2024, Bull Calf of the Year Competition, born on or after December 1st 2023.
CA98: The 2024 Munster Aberdeen-Angus Club, "Autumn", Bull Calf of the Year Competition, born on or between 1st August 2023 and 30th November 2023,
CA99: Senior Pedigree Aberdeen Angus Bull, born before 31 Aug 2023
CA100: Pair of Pedigree Aberdeen Angus (either sex) owned by exhibitor
CA101: Champion & Reserve Champion Aberdeen Angus
CA110: Pedigree Hereford Bull or Heifer born on or after 1st Jan 2024.
CA111: Pedigree Hereford Heifer born on or after 1 September 2023
CA112: Pedigree Hereford Heifer born between 1 September 2020 & 31 August 2023
CA113: Pedigree Hereford Cow in milk or in calf, with or without natural born calf at foot
CA114: Pedigree Hereford Bull born on or after 1 September 2023
CA115: Pedigree Hereford Bull, any age, born before 31 August 2023
CA116: Best Pair of Pedigree Herefords (either sex) owned by exhibitor
CA117: Champion & Reserve Champion Pedigree Hereford
CA132: Pedigree Charolais Bull or Heifer born on or after 1 September 2023
CA133: Pedigree Charolais Heifer born on or between 1 September 2021 & 31 August 2023
CA134: Pedigree Charolais Cow in milk or in calf, with or without natural born calf at foot
CA136: Best Pair of Pedigree Charolais (either sex) owned by exhibitor
CA137: Champion & Reserve Champion Pedigree Charolais
CA150: Pedigree Simmental Heifer Calf born on or after 1 January 2024
CA151: Pedigree Simmental Bull born between 1 September & 31 December 2023.
CA152: Pedigree Simmental Heifer born between 1 September & 31 December 2022
CA153: Pedigree Simmental Heifer born between 1 September 2021 & 31 August 2023
CA156: Pedigree Simmental Bull born on or before 31 August 2023
CA157: Best Pair of Pedigree Simmentals (either sex) owned by exhibitor
CA158: Champion & Reserve Champion Pedigree Simmental
CA175: Pedigree Limousin Bull born on or after 1 January 2024
CA170: Pedigree Limousin Heifer born on or after 1st Jan 2024
CA176: Pedigree Limousin Bull born between 1st Sept to 31st Dec 2023
CA171: Pedigree Limousin Heifer born on or between 1 Sept & 31 Dec 2023
CA177: Pedigree Limousin Bull born before 31st Aug 2023
CA172: Pedigree Limousin Heifer born 1st Jan 2023 and 31st Aug 2023
CA173: Pedigree Limousin Heifer born on or between 1 September 2021 & 31 December 2022 (uncalved)
CA178: Best Pair of Pedigree Limousin (either sex) owned by the same exhibitor
CA179: Champion & Reserve Champion Pedigree Limousin
CA190: Pedigree Belgian Blue Junior Bull born before 31 August 2023
CA191: Pedigree Belgian Blue Breeding Heifer born between 1 September 2022 & 31 August 2023
CA192: Pedigree Belgian Blue Bull Calf born between 1 September 2023 & 31 December 2023.
CA193: Pedigree Belgian Blue Heifer Calf born between 1 September 2023 & 31 December 2023
CA194: Pedigree Belgian Blue Bull Calf born after 1 January 2024
CA195: Pedigree Belgian Blue Heifer Calf born after 1 January 2024
CA196: Best pair of Pedigree Belgian Blue (either sex) owned by the same exhibitor
CA197: Champion & Reserve Champion Pedigree Belgian Blue
CA210: Commercial Beef Bull or Heifer Calf not exceeding 250kg
CA211: Commercial Beef Non-Pedigree Bull Calf up to 350kg
CA212: Commercial Beef Non-Pedigree Heifer Calf up to 330kg
CA213: Commercial Beef Bullock with no permanent teeth on the day of the Show
CA214: Commercial Beef Heifer with no permanent teeth on the day of the Show
CA215: Commercial Beef Bullock or Heifer with not more than two permanent teeth on the day of Show
CA216: Commercial Beef Breeding Heifer under two years on the day of the Show, to breed an export calf
CA218: Best Pair of Commercial Beef animals (either sex) owned by exhibitor
CA219: Champion & Reserve Commercial Beef
CA230: Rare Breed Bull Calf born on or after 1 September 2023
CA232: Rare Breed Cow or Heifer in calf or in milk, with or without natural born calf at foot
CA234: Rare Breeds Champion & Reserve Champion
CA241: The Breeder's Choice Traditional 4* or 5* Breeding Heifer
CA251: Best Beef Bull of the Show (Interbreed)
CA252: The MAS All Ireland Pedigree Beef Heifer Calf Championship - any beef breed, born on or after 1 September 2023
CA255: Pedigree Beef Breed Bull; Genetic Merit Class
CA260: Supreme Beef Champion
SH2: SUFFOLK RAM one year old or over
SH3: SUFFOLK EWE one year old or over
SH4: SUFFOLK RAM LAMB born on or after 1 January 2024
SH5: SUFFOLK EWE LAMB born on or after 1 January 2024
SH6: Novice Class - Suffolk
SH7: Champion & Reserve Champion SUFFOLK
SH20: CHAROLLAIS RAM one year old or over
SH21: CHAROLLAIS EWE one year old or over
SH22: CHAROLLAIS RAM LAMB born on or after 1 January 2024
SH23: CHAROLLAIS EWE LAMB born on or after 1 January 2024
SH24: Champion & Reserve Champion CHAROLLAIS Sheep
SH30: Texel Sheep Young Handler
SH32: Texel Shearling ewe
SH33: TEXEL EWE Lamb born on or after 1 January 2024
SH31: TEXEL RAM - Shearling and upwards.
SH34: TEXEL RAM Lamb born on or after 1 January 2024
SH35: Texel Aged Ewe
SH36: Ram Lamb sired by an Irish Bred Sire
SH37: Champion & Reserve Champion TEXEL
SH40: BORDER LEICESTER Shearling Ram and upwards.
SH41: BORDER LEICESTER Shearling Ewe and upwards.
SH42: BORDER LEICESTER Ram Lamb born on or after 1 January 2024
SH43: BORDER LEICESTER Ewe Lamb born on or after 1 January 2024
SH44: Champion & Reserve Champion BORDER LEICESTER
SH51: BLACKFACE MOUNTAIN Shearling Ram & upwards.
SH52: BLACKFACE MOUNTAIN - Pair of Shearling Ewes
SH53: BLACKFACE MOUNTAIN - Pair of Aged ewes.
SH54: BLACKFACE MOUNTAIN RAM LAMB born on or after 1 January 2024
SH55: BLACKFACE MOUNTAIN EWE LAMB born on or after 1 January 2024
SH56: Champion & Reserve Champion Blackface Mountain
SH70: ANY OTHER PEDIGREE BREED RAM one year old or over.
SH71: ANY OTHER PEDIGREE BREED EWE one year old or over.
SH72: ANY OTHER PEDIGREE BREED RAM LAMB born on or after 1 January 2024
SH73: ANY OTHER PEDIGREE BREED EWE LAMB born on or after 1 January 2024
SH74: Champion & Reserve Champion Other Pedigree Breed
SH80: NON PEDIGREE EWE One year old or over
SH81: NON PEDIGREE EWE LAMB born in 2024
SH83: Champion & Reserve Champion COMMERCIAL
SH90: Interbreed Overall Sheep Champion & Reserve Champion
GO1: Child Handling Class
GO14: Best Pygmy Male - Adult
GO3: Best Milker Goat Pure Bred or Cross Bred.
GO13: Best Pygmy Female - Adult
GO4: Best Goatling - female
GO15: Best Pygmy Kid
GO5: Best Female Kid , up to 12 months.
GO16: Champion & Reserve Pygmy Goat
GO21: Boer Goat Champion
GO6: Best Male Kid under 12 months.
GO7: Dam & Progeny. Pure bred or Cross Bred.
GO8: Best Female Dry Goat (not eligible for entry in any other class)
GO10: Champion & Reserve Female Dairy Goat
PO1: Campbell
PO2: Indian Runner
PO3: West Harlequin
PO4: AOV Light
PO21: Muscovy
PO22: Pekin
PO24: AOV Heavy
PO25: Row Winner Waterfowl Large Heavy
PO40: Brahma
PO41: Cochin
PO42: Orpington
PO43: Rhode Island Red
PO44: Wyandotte
PO45: Sussex
PO46: AOV Heavy
PO47: Row Winner Large Heavy Soft Feather
PO60: Hamburg
PO61: Leghorn
PO62: Poland
PO63: Silkie
PO64: Welsummer
PO65: AOV Light
PO66: Row Winner Large Light Soft Feather
PO81: Light Soft Feather
PO83: Row Winner Large Rare Breed
PO90: Indian Game
PO91: Old English Game
PO94: Row Winner Large Hard Feather
PO100: Appleyard
PO102: Call
PO104: Row Winner Waterfowl Bantam
PO115: Sussex
PO116: Wyandotte
PO117: AOV Heavy
PO118: Row Winner Bantam Heavy Soft Feather
PO131: Leghorn
PO132: Poland
PO133: Silkie
PO134: Welsummer
PO135: AOV Light
PO136: Row Winner Bantam Light Soft Feather
PO151: Light Soft Feather
PO152: AOV Bantam
PO154: Row Winner Bantam Rare Breed
PO160: Old English Game
PO162: Modern Game
PO163: AOV Bantam
PO165: Row Winner Bantam Hard Feather
PO179Q: The All Ireland True & Rare True Bantam Breeding Pair Chicken Qualifier
PO182: Dutch
PO184: Pekin
PO185: Rosecomb
PO187: Serama
PO189: Row Winner True Bantam
PO200: AV Large
PO201: AV Bantam
PO202: AV Large Waterfowl
PO203: AV Bantam Waterfowl
PO204: Row Winner Pairs
PO210: Turkey - Any Variety
PO230: AV Large Heavy
PO233: AV Bantam Heavy
PO234: AV Bantam Light
PO235: AV Bantam Hard Feather
PO236: AV True Bantam
PO237: AV Large Waterfowl
PO239: Juvenile Row Winner AV
PO250: AV Male
PO251: AV Female
PO260: 3 x Eggs - Dark Brown
PO261: 3 x Eggs - Light Brown
PO262: 3 x Eggs - Cream
PO263: 3 x Eggs - White
PO265: 3 x Eggs - Mixed
PO266: Row Winner Large Hen Eggs
PO280: 3 x Eggs - Dark Brown
PO285: 3 x Eggs - Mixed
PO286: Row Winner Bantam Hen eggs
PO300: 3 x Eggs - Green
PO301: 3 x Eggs - White
PO302: 3 x Eggs - Mixed
PO303: Row Winner Large Duck Eggs
PO310: 3 x Eggs - Green
PO311: 3 x Eggs - White
PO313: Row Winner Bantam Duck Eggs
PO320: 1 x Ostrich Egg
PO331: 1 x Large Duck Egg
PO332: 1 x Bantam Duck Egg
PO333: 1 X Large Hen Egg
PO334: Row Winner Contents of Egg
PO340: Champion & Reserve Poultry
PO341: Champion Eggs
AR1Q: The All Ireland Domestic Arts Championship
AR90Q: The All Ireland Home Preserves Championship
AR101Q: The All Ireland Junior Craft Championship
AR70Q: The Odlums All Ireland Home Baking Championship
AR10: Cardmaking - One Homemade Card
AR11: Novelty Item
AR12: An Upcycled Item
AR13: Article in Cross-stitch - not exceeding 10"
AR14: Article of Woodwork - up to 18 inches
AR15: Diamond Work Picture.
AR20: Article in Tapestry
AR21: Article in Handmade Patchwork
AR22: Article of Fine Crochet using Cotton
AR23: Article of Irish Handmade Lace
AR24: Large Article of Wool Crochet
AR25: Ladies or Gents Hand Knitted Garment
AR26: Ladies or Gents Hand Crochet Garment
AR27: Hand Knitted garment in Aran Stitching
AR28: Hand Knitted Article such as Socks/Scarf/Gloves/Hat etc.
AR29: Hand Crochet Item such as Scarf, Bag, Shawl etc.
AR30: Tea Cosy - Hand Knit or Crochet
AR31: Tea Cosy - any medium except knit or crochet
AR32: Coloured Embroidery
AR33: White Embroidery
AR34: Cushion - any medium
AR35: Hand Knit Hat & Booties for New-born Baby
AR36: Hand Knitted Baby's Cardigan (under 1 year old)
AR37: Hand Crochet Garment - for babies up to 18 months old
AR38: Baby Blanket - Crochet
AR39: Baby Blanket - Hand Knit
AR40: Child's Hand Knitted Garment
AR41: Child's Hand Crochet Garment
AR50: Original Sketch in Charcoal
AR51: Colour Painting - any medium
AR61: Portrait - Face only - black & white
AR60Q: Qualifier All Ireland Photography Championship
AR62: Landscape/Seascape - colour print
AR63: Animals/Pets - colour print
AR64: Nature - colour print
AR65: Life on the Farm - colour print
AR70Q: The Odlums All Ireland Home Baking Championship
AR72: Six Homemade Plain Scones
AR71: Traditional Homemade Brown Soda Bread
AR73: Six Homemade Fruit Scones
AR75: Six Queen Cakes with Butter Icing
AR76: Tray Bake, i.e. Brownies, Caramel Slices
AR77: Madeira Cake (made in a loaf tin)
AR78: Lemon Drizzle Cake
AR79: Apple Tart
AR80: Decorated Coffee Cake
AR81: Banana Bread
AR82: Carrot Cake
AR83: Fruit Loaf
AR90Q: The All Ireland Home Preserves Championship
AR91: One jar of Marmalade
AR92: One jar of Lemon Curd
AR93: One jar of Chutney
AR94: One jar of Jam, any variety unclassed
AR95: One jar of Mixed Fruits Jam
AR101Q: The All Ireland Junior Craft Championship
AR102: Novelty Item - Best Dressed Wooden Spoon/Clothes Peg. etc.
AR103: An Item made from Recycled material(s)
AR104: Animal, Bird or Insect made from vegetables, fruit or plant material
AR105: Painted Stone or Slate
AR106: One Handmade Birthday Card
AR107: Farmyard in Lego - confined to under 12 year olds
AR108: Pasta Collage. Max size A4
AR109: Primary School Art Competition, Junior & Seniors.
AR110: 1st & 2nd Class Primary School Art competition
AR111: 3rd & 4th Class Primary Schools Art competition
AR112: 5th & 6th Class Primary Schools Art Competition
AR120: Six Rocky Road Slices
AR121: Six Queen Cakes - decorated
AR122: My Healthy Lunch Box
AR123: Six Muffins
AR130: Animals/Pets - colour print
AR132: Holidays - colour print
FL1: In Season (Novice)
FL3: Salvaged (Open)
FL4: Creative Combinations (Open)
FL5: Sanctuary (Open)
FL6: Spontaneous Expression (Imposed - 6 spaces only)
FL7: The People's Choice Award
FL8: Best In Show Floral Art
HO1: 1 Stem of HT Rose
HO2: 3 Stems of Floribunda Roses
HO3: Vase of Mixed Garden Flowers
HO4: 4 Stems of Hosta
HO5: 6 Sweet Pea
HO6: 3 Stems of Conifer
HO7: 3 Stems of Variegated Shrub Foliage
HO8: 3 Succulents
HO9: Indoor Foliage Pot Plant
HO10: Window Box
HO13: Mr Potato Head Creation
HO14: 2 of Any Vegetable or Fruit
HO40: Allotment Competition
HO15: 2 Courgettes
HO16: Beans, 6 pods
HO17: 2 Heads of Cabbage
HO18: 3 Onions
HO19: 3 Bulbs of Garlic
HO20: 2 Heads of Lettuce
HO21: 6 Culinary Herbs
HO22: 3 Potatoes
HO23: 2 of Any Vegetable Not Already Classed
HO24: Basket/ container of Homegrown Vegetables
HO25: 10 Gooseberries
HO26: 10 Strawberries
HO27: 3 Stalks of Rhubarb
HO28: Any dish of fruit (1 kind) not already classed
HO29: Basket/ container of at least 3 kinds of fruit
HO30: Best in Show Fruit and Vegetables
Entry No:
Seamus Leahy, Limerick
Animal Name: