Movement of Livestock

To see the full information from the Dept. of Agriculture, Food and the Marine on movement of livestock to shows, please click here



All bovines attending shows must be accompanied by their passports.

Animal Identification and Movement (AIM) Notification

  1. The movement of cattle to and from an Agricultural Show/Fair within the State must be recorded on the AIM System.
  2. With effect from 4 February 2019 there is a specific Certificates of Compliance for the “Movement of Bovine from a Single Holding to a Show”, form NBAS 31K refers.
  3. The herd keeper must obtain the Certificate of Compliance prior to the movement of animals.  The certificate can be created by (i) applying on-line using their agfood account or (ii) where the keeper is not on-line the certificate can be generated by the local Regional Veterinary Office (RVO) following receipt of a completed form NBAS 31 K.
  4. The creation of a certificate is subject to normal movement criteria such as clear TB test etc. 
  5. A copy of form NBAS 31K is included at Appendix 2 and will also be available on
  6. When applying for this certificate, the Show/Fair number is not required. The certificate generated will include an “S” symbol. Cork Summer Show Herd no is S887.
  7. The Certificate of Compliance for a show will continue to be valid for a period of up to 30 days.  As is currently the case, these can be used for the movement of animal/s to several shows during the validity period of the certificate.  Requests to the RVO should be provided with sufficient time to allow for the certificate to be generated and issued especially where one cert expires, and another is required immediately.  Keepers who are likely to attend at consecutive shows are strongly advised to apply using agfood.
  8. Calves which are less than 10 days old cannot be moved to a Show.
  9. The Movement Notification Section of the Certificate should be completed and signed by the Keeper.  The form should also be signed / stamped by the Show Secretary who must clearly indicate the Show Number.  The Show movement should be recorded on the passport. 
  10. If the animal/s move from the show to a herd other than the source herd, the new destination herd must also sign the certificate.
  11. Completed forms must be sent by the Show Secretary to the local RVO within seven days of the Show. Failure to have movements recorded within the required time scale may have implications for the herd keeper/s involved.

Horses & Ponies

All Horses and Ponies in transit must be accompanied by their Passports under Dept. of Agriculture regulations.


The following information must be strictly adhered to: Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine – DAFM Important notice regarding Movement of Sheep to Show.

Identification: All sheep must be identified individually with appropriate ear tags issued in accordance with the requirements of the National Sheep Identification System (NSIS).

Movement Documentation: All consignments of sheep being moved must be accompanied by a completed dispatch document.  Individual details of each sheep in the consignment must be recorded on the document.  Sheep from non-restricted flocks only can be moved to shows. 

AIM Notification

The movement of sheep to and from an Agricultural Show within the State must be recorded on AIM.  This is done using a copy of the owner’s sheep dispatch document as follows:

  1. The owner/keeper presents the signed and completed dispatch document to the show secretary who checks it to ensure that it is completed in full.
  2. The show secretary fills in the MART section of the dispatch document with (i) the show number, (ii) the date of the move back to the source holding (iii) stamps it with the show stamp and (iv) signs the dispatch document.
  3. The show secretary then forwards the completed pink section of the dispatch document to the local RVO within 7 days of the show movement.
  4. The show secretary keeps white copy for his/her records.
  5. The source/destination keeper keeps the bottom yellow copy to enter it into their flock register.
  6. Flock Register.  All movements of sheep to and from shows must be recorded in the keeper’s flock register.


The following information must be strictly adhered to:  Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine – DAFM Important notice regarding Movement of Goats.  

Identification: All goats must be identified individually with a pair of approved ear tags bearing the same number, one in each ear, issued in accordance with the requirements of the National Goat Identification System (NGIS).

Movement Documentation: All consignments of goats being moved must be accompanied by a completed dispatch document.  Only goats from herds/holdings that are not under restriction can be moved to shows. 

AIM Notification; The movement of goats to and from an Agricultural Show within the State must be recorded on AIM.  This is done using a copy of the keeper’s goat dispatch document as follows:

  1. The owner/keeper presents the signed and completed dispatch document to the show secretary who checks that it is completed in full.
  2. The show secretary fills in the MART section of the dispatch document with (i) the show number, (ii) the date of the move back to the source holding, (iii) stamps it with the show stamp and (iv) signs it.
  3. The show secretary then forwards the completed yellow section of the dispatch document to the local RVO within 7 days of the show movement.
  4. The show secretary keeps white copy for their records.
  5. The source/destination keeper keeps the bottom blue copy to enter it into their herd register.
  6. Herd Register: All movements of goats to and from shows must be recorded in the keeper’s goat herd register.


The following information must be strictly adhered to as per Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM)

All pigs must be identified by means of an approved ear tag on movement off the holding.  Breeding stock must be individually identified i.e., the letters IE, a five-character herd registration and an individual number, while other stock are required to have a herd identification i.e., the letters IE and a five-character herd registration.

Movement Documents
All consignments of pigs which are being moved must be accompanied by a completed dispatch document.  The dispatch document should reflect the movement to and from the show.  The owner of the animal(s) retains all three copies of the document.

Movement Notification
The movement of pigs to and from shows must be notified by phone to the central movement database on 0818 191000.  Notification of movements to a show must be made at least 24 hours before the movement takes place.  Movements of pigs into the herd on return from a show must be made within 24 hours of the pigs returning to the holding.  Copies of dispatch documents should be kept for a minimum of 3 years.

Herd Register
All movements of pigs to and from shows must be recorded in the keeper’s pig herd register. 

Animal Health Status – Aujeszky’s Disease
Ireland is now officially recognised as being free from Aujeszky’s Disease.  Therefore, pigs from any pig holding may be sent to shows.

Movement of Pigs to Shows in another Member State
Exhibitors are asked to contact the NPITS help-line (details below) if they wish to show pigs at an Agricultural Show in another Member State.

Requirement to register pig shows in advance with the Department
Shows must be notified to the Department to ensure that they are recorded on the central database.  Accordingly, it is not possible to accept movement notifications for unlisted shows.  Thus, if an exhibitor intends to show pigs, even small numbers of pigs on a “once off” or an irregular basis, at shows, it is important to check that such shows have been notified to the Department.

An exhibitor can check if a show is listed and recorded on the central database of the Department by contacting the NPITS Help-line.

NPITS Helpline

For assistance on any aspect of the National Pig Identification and Tracing System (NPITS), contact the NPITS help-line on 01-5058881.